Friday, September 29, 2017

The tale of two owls !
the Asian Barred owlet 

Spotted Owlet 
When it comes to photographing birds, my all time favourite is the spotted owlet. Rather, when I started the hobby of photography, the second bird that I clicked was a spotted owlet which I vividly remember was sitting still on the branch of a tree in the Sukhna Forest Trail in Chandigarh on a particular day. Whenever I visit the place, the same owlet is found at the same place and I have stopped counting how many photographs I have taken of it but trust me every time I go there, I do click it. The same is the case with yet another owlet that resides in Thappli village. The reason for my liking spotted owlet is that they sit still to enable me as an amateur to click its photographs to my heart’s content and of course I find them to be lovely with their with spots and plumage and wide open eyes. Recently, one owlet was also spotted near my flat in the evening to give me a decent click even though it was dark.

On a trip to Chaki Mod in Distt. Solan , a birding paradise in this part of the country, I saw another owlet which I thought was again a spotted owlet or probably my thinking was constrained by my preference for spotted owlet and I believed it was it only even though it looked slightly different. I posted it on a group and immediately Dr Gurpartap Singh, an authority on birds, corrected me that it was an Asian Barred Owlet. There is so much to learn any time and Dr. Gurpartap Singh is more than willing to come to my rescue. So many times I have faltered and so many times he has corrected me. He has always cautioned me that do not post pictures if you are not sure of its identity but then old habits do not die easily .
Coming back to the spotted owlet, it is small and stocky bird, less than 21 centimetres in size. The upperparts are grey-brown, heavily spotted with white. The underparts are white, streaked with brown. While the facial disc is pale and the iris is yellow. There is a white neckband and supercilium. The flight is deeply undulating.
On the other hand , Asian Barred Owlet , as I have found out when corrected, has white eyebrows that extend to the rear of the eyes and a white moustachial streak. Eyes are lemon-yellow while its bill is yellowish-green. The head and nape are finely spotted pale buff, while the mantle is plain or only weakly barred. The upperside, sides of the head and neck and wing-coverts are dull brown or olive-brown, or faintly tinged rufous, closely barred fulvous-white or dull rufous-white. It has a distinct white patch on its throat, while the breast is barred dark brown and dull fulvous-white. The upper breast has paler brown and pure white bars, the lower part being more streaked than barred. The tail is blackish with about six whitish or pure white, widely spaced bars.
Learning is an unending process and it is even more stimulating when it comes to your passion. However, sharing your passion with others is equally joyful and my journey to explore more, to know more and share more shall continue……….