Sunday, April 03, 2016

The journey continues.......

With Kitty on the steering wheel, maneuvering the sharp and quick turns on the thin and treacherous road in the remote mountains of Himachal Pradesh, the sun was getting  hot.  We saw an old couple walking. Kitty offered them a lift which they readily accepted. I saw an exotic bird perched on top of a tree. I got down telling Kitty to continue while I decided to walk after taking some pictures.  Kitty moved on with the couple. I took some pictures and walked for a couple of miles. Neither Kitty nor the car was in sight. My mobile was in the glove compartment of the car and there was no way to contact Kitty. A young man came and to my relief said that Kitty was in his home with his family and he had come to fetch me.  We reached his small village, Suki Johri that had just three four houses surrounded by small terrace fields and there was Kitty enjoying a cup of tea, chatting merrily with a bunch of womenfolk while  kids were playing around.  I too was offered a cup of tea and trust me it tasted so good.

The family shared with us their way of life.  Theirs was a joint family comprising of parents, two brothers and their spouses and the kids besides a daughter whose husband sacrificed his life for the nation being a soldier.   The men walk for miles together for work every day while the womenfolk looked after the household chores, farming and take their cows and goats for grazing.  . Their fields yielded enough wheat and vegetables to meet their requirements.  The butter and milk came from their cows and goats.  Crystal clear water rich with minerals came from the “Chasma“nearby.  Earlier, they lived in temporary hutments but now their house was of concrete with proper sanitation and electricity with certain basic facilities like TV and Radio. Their pets included a healthy fowl, a white rabbit and a dog that is not only protective of the family but also of the fowl and the rabbit.
They lead a simple yet tough life but they felt contented. To us , their life was a real bliss. They lived in unison with nature in a pollution free environment, unaffected by the stress and strains of the urban life.   The radiance of innocence was writ on their faces.

It was time to depart. They took a promise from us that we will visit again. Surely we will do because it was a blessing to meet such a lovely family.  We had a feeling that we knew the family for ages. While we were leaving, the lady brought from her house a beautifully crafted basket made out of dry twigs by her  own hands . Surely, the family has heart made of gold.  Kitty says this is the best gift she has ever received.
The journey continues………….

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