Thursday, November 30, 2017

Being at Sattal, the Birders' Paradise, Courtesy #StraboPixelClub

Being at Sattal, the Birders' Paradise, Courtesy #StraboPixelClub

Twenty Seven Birding enthusiasts from across the country
were at Sattal in Uttrakhand at the invitation of Strabo Pixel Club from November 24 to November 26, 2017. During their three day stay, the birders scouted for birds in Sattal,Chafi  and
Pangot and were able to identify more than 130 different birds. The most sought after were the Brown Fish Owl, the Colloared Owlet, the Flower Peckers, the Leafbirds, the Common Green Magpies, the Crested Kingfishers, the Nut Hatchers, the Laughing Thrushes, the Woodpeckers and Himalayan Bulbuls. The rare finds included Eurasian Wren or the Nepal Wren Babbler and the Brown Dipper.

The commitment of Arvind Syal
With Hemant Bishnoi and Subroto Chatterjee 

The highlight of the event was an exhibition of photographs of birds held at the iheart Cafe which was inaugurated by the Divisional Forest Officer, Mr D.S.Meena,IFS. In his address, Mr Meena highlighted various steps being taken by the Uttrakhand Government to preserve and improve the rich biodiversity of the state. He said that the steps being taken by the Forest Department need to be supplemented by people at the grassroot level.
Collared Owlet
On each of the three days, the birds would get ready for their exploration early morning, equipped with their heavy camera equipment and embark in different directions accompanied by guides, deep into the thick forest area in their camouflages that included a jacket gifted by Strabo Pixel Club. Whenever, anyone spotted a bird, he would signal to the others to come and click. The spirit of comradeship was indeed evident.
Brown Fish Owl
After a hectic day of  birding, it was time for relaxing around the bonfire. It was time for sharing experiences, the day's findings, some singing and dancing. Amit Sharma, Preity Chaturvedi and Anupreet  Kaur Mavi were the main singers while Hemant Bishnoi played the guitar.

Strabo Pixel Club he brainchild of  Hemant Bishnoi and  his wife Anu , supported by Puneet Virmani and Subroto Chatterjee. The club has been named after Strabo who was one of the earlier Geographer who is credited with drawing probably the first world map. Strabo Pixel Club has a vast membership base of 1.56 Lakhs  at this moment and is getting enlarged with each day. It is a unique platform that networks birders not only across the country but also globally.

The event was sponsored by Discover India magazine, DTDC and  iheart Cafe with active support of the Uttrakhand Forest Department. All the participants were given  Participation Certificates, Mementoes , Camouflage jackets and a Coffee mug with a photograph clicked by the birder himself/herself. The entire arrangements for stay, boarding, local transport and hospitality was made by the Strabo Pixel Club personally supervised by Hemant Bishnoi and Anu Bishnoi.

The event was given wide media coverage by India News in its prime time news as well as in a dedicated feature.

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