Friday, April 08, 2016

Brown Headed Cowbird?

Few days back, I took this picture but did not post it because I was not sure about the identity of the bird. I thought it was a Flycatcher but a friend cautioned me that it is not a Flycatcher. Was it Robin? No way! Or a Bluebird? But Bluebird has a blue head even though its body could be brown. On the other hand, this bird's head was brown and body dark blue. Further research and consultation followed. Like enthusiastic kids, we matched the photograph with that of hundreds of birds. Eventually, I zeroed down to Brown Headed Cowbird. I may be wrong but certainly I am not far away. Some birds look similar but are different. Only an expert can judge. I am only a beginner. I case I find the right identification, I will correct the post. Till then, bear with me and accept that it is Brown Headed Cowbird or let me know if you have the right identification.

In the entire process of identification, I learnt a lot about other birds that I have yet to see. Let me assure you it is so much fun bird watching, taking their pictures and knowing about them. . There is so much to explore and learn. Want to join me?

1 comment:

Nature's Trail said...

It is Indian Robin.....