Why do I click pictures of birds?
For the last couple of years, I have been clicking pictures of different birds and posting them on Facebook and elsewhere. Recently, to a descriptive post, someone commented, “What is great deal; you have just clicked a picture of only the Titar?”

After having put in a hectic corporate life of 30 odd years, I was looking for a healthy ‘getaway’ as a stress buster. Roaming aimlessly in the nearby forest area, the chirping of the birds was enchanting and I could not hold back to click a picture of red-billed magpie perched on a branch of a tree with a camera gifted to me by my son. The sheer joy of having clicked the first photograph of a bird taken by me prompted me to share my joy with my family and some chosen friends. Encouraged by their smiles, the journey for pursuing a new hobby began.
Is it just a hobby? The question has been aptly addressed by Arvind Syal, a fellow birder who in a tour together recently said, “Bird watching is perhaps the best form of meditation, a form of spiritualism.” Being in the lap of nature and looking at the wonderful and colour creatures on wings created by God is enchanting and brings inner joy and peace. It lifts your spirits soaring high.
Nature has so much to offer and we simply ignore. There are about 11000 species of birds and many birders have travelled across the world to list them. As per Wikipedia, no individual can claim to have seen all. The highest record is that of 9000. I am just a beginner and have so far seen and clicked around 250 different birds. There is so much to explore, see and appreciate. Why would anyone be interested in pictures I click? The answer is simple, my joy is doubled when I share that joy with others.
However, there is more to it. Gurwinder , my wife’s friend, who also happens to be on my friend list says that ever since you have been posting pictures of birds, we have also started looking at birds and observing them. She says, “Earlier we thought there were just sparrows, koels and crows and we never imagined there is such a large variety.” Many others have expressed the same thought. Even if I have been able to generate awareness among just few people, my job as a birder is done.
As an added bonus, in my birding expeditions , I have come across some wonderful people who share the same passion. They have enormous experience and they freely exchange their experiences, knowledge and ideas. To be a part of them, is indeed a huge blessing. With them, my life has become bigger and more meaningful.
Internet is a wonderful media to share your joys. However, it is pull media where you can see what you
like and ignore what you do not like. Choice is entirely yours. By the way, ”Titar”is alo a beautiful bird and my journey shall continue……….
Photograph courtesy : Arvind Syal
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